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The Six Pillars of Wild Intention
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The Wildcrafter's Promise
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LESSON 1: An Introduction to Wild Forest Bathing: Nurturing Wild Relationships with Yasei Shinrin Yoku
The Wildcrafter's Promise
Lecture & Weekly Video
Call Recording: Week 1
Weekly Wild Task
LESSON 2: Wild Soul and Soil: Forest Biotics and the Science Associated with Yasei Shinrin Yoku
Lecture & Weekly Video
Call Recording Week 2
Weekly Wild Task
LESSON 3: Wild Sentience: Living Air and Frequencies that Flow Through a Living Forest
Lecture & Weekly Video
Call Recording Week 3
Weekly Wild Task
LESSON 4: Biosemiotics and Wild Feelings: The Activity of Intelligence in Nature
Lecture & Weekly Video
Call Recording Week 4
Weekly Wild Task
LESSON 5: The Spirit and Soul of the Forest: Finding the Wild Mystic Within
Lecture & Weekly Video
Call Recording Week 5
Weekly Wild Task
LESSON 6: Stewardship: Engaging with Wild Systems
Lecture & Weekly Video
Call Recording Week 6
Weekly Wild Task
LESSON 7: The Sanctuary Forest
Lecture & Weekly Video
Call Recording Week 7
Weekly Wild Task
The Wildcrafter's Promise
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